Recently I was meeting with a prospect at a large enterprise. He shared with me how he thought that investing in a certain software “solution” would solve his marketing woes. Yet after a heavy investment in licensing, consultants and time, his company was no better off.

Worse, all the change associated with this software initiative had turned relatively happy employees into battered, skeptical naysayers. If you’ve been through a technology initiative, you know what I am talking about.

The reality is that today’s marketing departments need the one-two punch of good people and good technology. One without the other is like a beautiful car without any gas. It looks good parked in the garage but takes you nowhere.

By “good people”, we mean marketing professionals who understand current marketing best practices AND can wrap their heads around marketing technologies. And let’s face it; good marketing professionals do keep up with changes in technology.

When we say “good technology”, we mean technology specifically designed to enable marketers to anticipate where their prospects are going next in their buying process.  Technology to help marketers develop and prioritize their content touch points. And technology that ultimately helps marketers learn which variables in the marketing mix matter most.

Mastering that combination of good people plus good technology is what makes marketers win at marketing. To discuss this topic in greater detail, please give us a call at 484.845.1040!