Adobe’s Marketing Cloud Visitor ID service provides a way to assign a unique visitor ID to visitors across Adobe’s marketing solutions like Analytics and Target. The visitor ID service can also set a first party cookie using JavaScript and help you avoid needing a CNAME for your analytics server and the associated SSL certificates. Using Adobe’s Dynamic Tag Manager you can configure the service and have it deployed on your web site quickly.

Before you start you will need to Contact your Adobe Account Manager or Customer Support and confirm your organization has been:

  1. Provisioned for the Adobe Marketing Cloud
  2. Provided a Marketing Cloud ID Organization ID
  3. Provided your Analytics tracking server and secure tracking server (if you are serving pages over HTTPS)

The first step to configuring the Marketing Cloud Visitor ID Service is to add the service as a tool inside of your Dynamic Tag Manager web property. If you have multiple web properties they will each need to contain this new tool.

Step 1: Click Add a Tool from your DTM web property


Step 2: Choose Marketing Cloud ID Service from the drop down, enter the Marketing Cloud Organization ID and the tracking server that you obtained from Adobe Support, and choose “Create Tool”.


Step 3: Complete the appropriate form fields for your organization inside the Marketing Cloud ID Service tool settings and save your changes.


Step 4: Test your visitor ID service implementation by using a Web debugging tool such as Charles or the web developer tools in your browser to confirm there is a request going to “” on the first page of your session and that your analytics requests contain an mid parameter:



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Further Reading

The Customer ID is Critical for Omni-Channel Marketing

If you’re interested in Tag Management

Choosing a Tag Management System Part 1

Tag Management Use Cases:  Choosing a TMS Part 2

Does TMS Create Independence from IT?

3 Reasons It Might be Time to Consider Tag Management